16 September 2015

SSRS: Install-AXReportInstanceExtensions MetadataServiceException

When you get the MetadataServiceException:

Install-AXReportInstanceExtensions -ReportServerInstanceName TWI -Credential TWI\axbcproxy

Install-AXReportInstanceExtensions : Für den Metadatendienst ist auf dem Client oder dem Server eine Ausnahme aufgetreten. Ausnahmedetails: Unable to log on to Microsoft Dynamics AX. 
In Zeile:1 Zeichen:1 + Install-AXReportInstanceExtensions -ReportServerInstanceName TWI -Credential TWI\axbcproxy ... 
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MetadataServiceException 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Services.Client.MetadataServiceException 

while installing the AX ReportInstanceExtensions via AX Management Shell you should check the AX client configuration.
In the eventviewer is a warning that tells us to check the WCF configuration. So after changing the client configuration to an AX AOS that is available and accessible by the current user this message should disapper. Keep in mind to update WCF configuration after changing AOS Server and/or port.

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