27 January 2011

Dynamics AX Shortcut Parameters (startup)

If you need an AX Shortcut thats starts a special configuration uses a startup cmd or starts in a different language these parameters will help :)
  • regconfig
  • startupcmd
  • language
A shortcut might than look like this: C:\......\ax32.exe -regconfig=NAMEOFCONFIG -language=de -startupcmd=TWI

To compile the Apllikation on startup use the following command:

To generate CIL on startup:

to compile with cross reference:

11 January 2011

Microsoft previews next generation ERP - Dynamics AX 6

Microsoft has released official details about Dynamics AX 6. Check the following press release for further information: Microsoft Press Release

10 January 2011

Check if Configkey is enabled

To check in code if a configuration key is enabled just call this funktion:
if (isConfigurationkeyEnabled(configurationkeynum(myConfigKey)) == true)
  //do something...