19 June 2012

VisualStudio Message - .NetFramework.Version=v4.0 Profile Full

When this message apperas during upgrade of a VisualStudio 2008 project to VisualStudio 2010. Just open the .csproj file in an editor and remove the line:

11 June 2012

AXUtil and Powershell

just to remeber the right syntax:

Import Model:
axutil import /file:abc.axmodel /conflict:push /config:AOSname

Delete Layer:
axutil delete /layer:usr /config:AOSname
instead of /config: it is possible to use the dbName /db:DBname 

Uninstall-AXModel -Database "NameOfDB" -Model "NameOfModel"

05 June 2012

SSRS Report: Display Image from Database

To display an image from DynamicsAX in an SSRS report the easiest way is to add an EDT that Extends the Bitmap EDT to the tmp table for the report. In the Dataprovider just add the image to the tmp table (for further information about image handling in ax check the image class).
Than add an image object onto the report design and set the properties. Select the right MIME-Type and try it!