16 April 2014

Starting AX2012 with a specific configuration file

I was just providing access to an ax environment through Citrix. The goal was to provide an .axc configuration file that directs the Client to a specific AOS. So i was looking for a startup command that could help. And tried to use ax32.exe -regConfig. But it's even easier, you just need to place the config file behind the ax32.exe. Thats it :)

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics Ax\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe” “X:\DynamicsAXConfigurations\AX2012R2_TEST.axc”

02 April 2014

RapidStart Connector log folder

If you are not able to start the RapidStart service for Dynamics AX you should always check the RapidStart log which is located within the AppData folder:


The userXYZ is the RapidStart service account. In that folder you will find a file named RapidStartConnector.log

which will display messages like [8.2.327.0][2014-04-02 13:07:09][Information] Unable to configure shared folder Unable to log on to Microsoft Dynamics AX.

This messages are not available in the eventLog.