17 December 2013

Get rid of partitions that are not created with windows

If you try to remove partitions on a harddrive that has been partitioned with a non windows tool you are not able to do this with the disk management tool "diskmgmt.msc".
An easy way is to do this is the use of diskpart.exe
Just type the following:
  • list disk -to find out the number of the disk
  • select disk ### - to select the disk you want to clean
  • clean - to delete all partitions (be careful with this command :) )

After the cleaning the easiest way to create a new partition is to use diskmgmt.msc or just type in the following commands:

  • create partition primary 
  • select partition=1 
  • active 
  • format fs=fat32 QUICK 
  • assign
That's all you have to do to get an active primary partition formated with fat 32 that is assigned to a drive letter.

16 December 2013

Data Import Export Framework - Problems with shared working directory

Recently I had issues with access validation of the shared working directory for the data import export framework (alias data migration framework).

If the validation is telling you that the service is not able to access the directory you should check on the SQL Server
  • if the data import export service is running
  • which account is used to run the service
  • is this account able to write into that shared dirctory
If the service is not running AX is alsojust telling you that the service account is not able to access the folder. even though the user has the right credentials.